
Privacy Policy

We hate companies that track you or require you to enter your personal information to use their services.

We will never ask for your personal information unless we really truly need it to provide you with our services.


We collect non-personally identifying information about your website visits to help us improve our content. We collect this information because it helps us find out what content our audience likes and what they don’t.

We use Cloudflare’s Web Analytics to collect this information. This service also automatically collects browser information and your IP Address.

This doesn’t tell us who you are. At most, we might know that some random person visited our about page at 4:20 PM using Chrome browser on their phone. This just tells us what pages our visitors like, and what pages might be broken.

Personally-Identifying Information

We don’t require you to enter any sort of personal information to use our website. However, we might ask you to enter your email address to use some of our tools that require you to sign up.

You can refuse to enter this information if you want for most of our tools and services. However, some of our services and tools require your email address in order to function.


We don’t create any cookies on your computer ourselves when you visit our website. However, Cloudflare, our web host, might create cookies to make your web browsing experience better. We cannot control these cookies.

If you use some of our tools, we’ll need to create some cookies on your computer to make the tools work properly. For example, cookies are required to let you log into our tools.


Ads appearing on our website are delivered by our advertising publishing partners. These partners might set cookies.

Privacy Policy Changes

Although most changes are likely to be minor, Web Hosting Sumo may change its Privacy Policy from time to time, and at Web Hosting Sumo’s sole discretion.