Earnings Disclosure
Our editorial team works hard to publish our guides and tutorials on building websites, web hosting reviews, and all our other content. Our content is free to consume, and we don’t put any ads on our website. But we do need to keep the lights on and put food on the table.
At times, we link to products and services in our content. If you buy from these links, we may earn an affiliate commission from the sale. We never let this commission bias our judgment when we produce our content. We only recommend the best of the best products and services that we believe in.
If you purchase through our links, the price you pay is not affected. You don’t pay anything extra. And we get to earn a small commission. If you read a review on our website and buy the product, the commission we might earn from the sale directly supports our website and our team.
However, we don’t always receive compensation for the products and services we recommend. We share offers and deals with our readers even when there’s no commission to be made.
Our website’s readers are more important to us than any commission we might earn from promoting a product. If you think we are wrong about a product or have a question, please reach out to us via our contact form.